
If I need something in the evening, who can I turn to?

Until 11 p.m. it is possible to contact the owner. After that time, the customer must wait until 8:00-8:30 the next day.

Where and when are the keys delivered to me?

Keys are delivered directly to the apartment by the owner upon check in and after payment

If I arrive late in the evening will there be someone in the apartment to greet me?

The time limit for check-in is 11:30 pm. The customer who has had reservation confirmation is always expected. If there are delays we ask you to communicate them in time. Beyond 24:00 there will be an extra charge of €20 for check in

Is it necessary to report the Time of Arrival?

For better service we always ask our customers to let us know their arrival time, possibly along with flight details if you are coming by plane. This will allow us to monitor any delays online. Notification of arrival time is always reminded a few days in advance via email

Is the kitchen equipped?

Yes there is everything you need to be able to cook at home: dishes, microwave oven, toaster, gas machine

aut. Scia n QA/2015/22953 aut. Scia QA/2022/36251